Thursday, October 23, 2014

My 3 Workout Rules

I hesitate to list a bunch of rules here with questionable authority. The internet is filled with such lists. Moreover, with so many different health opinions and fitness goals to wade through, one person's rule may be another's blunder.

So I'm giving you something basic. These are my rules. Follow them or nor. They work for my ongoing goals. Most likely, with or without adaptation, they can work for yours too. One day I may adapt them again, myself.

  1. Never have more than 1 consecutive day without a workout
  2. Workout at least 5 days a week
  3. Always workout on Monday

That's it. Well, it's not everything. There's a lot involved in how I workout, not to mention proper nutrition and rest. Some of you might be wondering about the rest, given that I workout at least 5 days. That's where the types of workouts I perform matter. I'm not performing full-body, super-heavy-lifting workouts 5+ days.

What I am doing is consistently working, and continually improving. And these rules help me do that. Maybe they'll help you too.

Keep transforming. Keep regenerating.

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